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Building Wrasm

To compile wrasm, ensure you have meson as well as ninja and a compatible C1 compiler installed on your system.

To compile run the following commands in a terminal or command prompt:

meson setup build
cd build
meson compile

When recompiling, it is only necessary to run

meson compile

from the build directory.

To compile from another directory, just add the -C option to meson:

meson compile -C path/to/build/directory

Choosing a different compiler and linker

It is possible to manually set the C compiler meson uses with the CC variable and the linker with the CC_LD or C_LD variables.

To do so, you must run meson setup with these variables set. This will then store the compiler for the meson compile step.

CC=~/gcc/bin/gcc CC_LD=/usr/bin/ld meson setup build
cd build
# Uses ~/gcc/bin/gcc instead of default compiler
meson compile

Microsoft’s Visual C/C++ Compiler

To use Microsoft’s compiler, ensure you are in a Visual Studio developer shell when running meson setup. This should automatically find MSVC for you.

If you have any problems, consult the meson documentation on using Visual Studio.

Other Configurations

For more advanced configuration, such as cross compilation, see the meson documentation

  1. The C compiler should support the c17 standard (this may be updated to c23 once proper compiler support is established). At the time of writing, wrasm successfully builds with c99, however support is not guaranteed.