
My Thoughts on Best Practices in Code


Many people swear by and use just as many different metrics for code. This is not a critique of those methods, however flawed they may be.

Instead, this is an analysis of the statistics and logic behind the many metrics people use for evaluating code and what I believe to be the best metrics for measuring code from a computer engineer’s perspective.

Clean code this clean code that

Clean code is great and lovely and all, but I think uncle Bob misses the mark somewhat

— Me

There’s a saying that as soon as a metric becomes a target it ceases to be a good metric. I believe this applies to clean code as well. In principle, clean code is a great idea which can improve the codebase. But in practice, I believe it succumbs to becoming a target.

Metrics and Targets

Now, you might say, but this applies to every metric ever, not just clean code. To you I say, you’re wrong. There are metrics which can still be good metrics even when they have become targets. The problem is that most metrics don’t fully align with the intended goal. For example, how would we rate world happiness? We cannot directly measure happiness. The best we can do is survey people and ask them how happy they are. The problem is that now we are measuring people’s description of their happiness, not their actual happiness. This is a problem, as it can incentivise people to provide a false account of their happiness. Another problem is that people themselves don’t have a proper baseline happiness, meaning that 10/10 happiness for one person may only be 6/10 for another.

Fortunately, capitalism has a very good way of measuring things. Cost. Developers are paid by the hour and a lot of things happen based on time. Therefore, the most important metrics for a piece of code is the time cost taken to develop and maintain it as well as the profits that result from using the code itself.

This results in three simple metrics for code.

Now I would argue that profit is a combination of the performance of the code, the impact and quantity of the bugs and a number of other factors, such as marketing and product design, which are outside the typical developer’s control and which are most definitely outside the scope of code quality and therefore this article.

I would also argue that the maintainability of a piece of code is simply the combination of the readability and the writability of the code.

Thus, the above three metrics can be transformed into a new set of four metrics which specifically apply to code quality:

For the purposes of the following sections, I will reorder these as follows:


The solution for measuring and targeting bugs has already been found and it’s very simple.

Reduce and remove bugs. Failing that, mitigate their impact with workarounds.

Ok, now that we’ve got that sorted lets move on to writability.


You may be wondering what exactly writability means. You probably have a rough idea, but that’s definitely not convertible to a metric which can be used to measure code quality.

To me, and for the purposes of this article, the writability of code is a way of measuring how long it takes to write a piece of code. Some pieces of code can be written very quickly, while others take longer to reason about. The most important thing about writing writable code is that if you’ve already written it, it doesn’t matter how writable it is. Code writability is a problem for project managers and whiteboard engineering.

There are many factors which impact code writability, like the complexity of a project and how suitable the development environment is, but these don’t matter because writability is not in the scope of code quality.


There are too many measures for code readability. For example, clean code, code complexity, SOLID principles. These don’t conflict, and if you know when to apply each of them, they can be great. This is because they each cover some similar set of properties which make code readable.

Instead of picking one or multiple of these however, I choose to use another metric for determining the readability of a piece of code. This metric is born out of years of trying to prematurely optimise little snippets of code and attempting to figure out what the best way to write a piece of code is in advance. My metric of choice is to take a step back from the code, take a look at the function, and ask myself, “if I were a new contributor, could I understand this function?”.

It’s that simple. Is the code legible, yes or no?

If your answer is no, then the code should be fixed.

If your answer is yes, the code is fine and can be left untouched.

There is however one more question you need to ask yourself, and that is “is this code necessary?”. In keeping with suckless principles, the less code the better. You should remove any code that is not necessary.


Performance is fortunately a topic that has been correctly covered by many other people before me. I’ll try not to repeat what others before me have said and what others in the future may say. Instead, I’ll simply cover the fundamentals of improving performance.

  1. Test
  2. I was going to put some other dot points, but I realise the only thing you really need to do is test, everything else just follows naturally.

Consider the potential performance gains versus readability and writability tradeoffs. I’m not mentioning bugs here, because bugs really shouldn’t be acceptable, however depending on your situation, changing the behaviour of a program may not be off the table.


There are a few different ways to test code and a few benefits to doing so. The most common two methods of testing code are:

  1. Use a profiler
  2. Compare two pieces of code

Using a profiler is very language dependent, so I won’t touch on it here. There are also many good performance optimisation guides which go through how to do this.

Comparing two pieces of code is usually pretty similar. The process is roughly run each piece of code on the same hardware, under the same conditions and with the same inputs. Time them and see which is faster. This is also the simplest way to improve code performance. Optimise something, it doesn’t need to be fully optimised, just enough that you believe it’ll make a difference and then try to measure that difference.

Two General Optimisation Tips

Although optimisation is very language and project dependent, there are some general rules of thumb it can be good to follow.

  1. Use language builtins. Depending on your language of choice, these can massively speed up your code. This is especially true in interpreted languages. For lower level compiled languages such as C and C++, the standard library builtins are usually just as good as anything you can write yourself, so you might as well use the standard library version as it can save you time and improve readability for anyone familiar with the stdlib.
  2. Write code for readability. This will often result in simpler code, which in turn executes faster. If not, the compiler can usually optimise simpler code much more effectively and simple tricks such as shift left to double are already built in to the compiler, so you might as well double for readability 1. In interpreted languages, this last part doesn’t apply, however usually interpreted languages are slow enough that the difference in performance between a multiply instruction and an add instruction is completely negligible in the face of interpreter overhead.


Really the whole point of this article was to provide another perspective on code readability. I approached this from a first principles kind of style, which means I also happened to touch a little bit on optimisation.

I think the main takeaway from here is that the best way to determine if code is “good quality” and “readable” is to just try to read it. If you can understand what it does, it’s well written. If not, something’s wrong.

This page is Copyright (C) Cyuria 2024.

  1. Ironically, in x86 architectures, compilers can optimise doubling a number into a lea instruction, which is sometimes even faster than a shift if you need to do something else with the instruction as well such as adding a constant or another variable.